Those equipped with monthly cards for which the price of the ticket has been collected in advance do not issue a ticket. The cards are checked by the collector or the driver upon presentation of the police ID.
Children up to 6 years of age 100% discount. (even though the relevant discount was abolished by Law 3668/2-9-2020 the Intercity KTEL KILKIS SA continues to provide the relevant discount).
– A minor child up to 6 years old travels for free
(with the allocation of a seat for security reasons).
– Children up to 7-12 years old, 50% discount.
The discount is given upon presentation of a valid three-child card from the Kilkis Three-Child Association. It is valid for life for parents, while for children it is valid until they reach the age of 25.
Dimitrakou 3
Ticket Office/Warehouse: 23410 22311